Webpage and Programing. Testing and Examples

Android Formatting

Sever Side Includes


Webpage Theme builder

Test Page Theme Builder


Test Page MiceDraft

ASP Image Frame

Use ASP on the Image page to Display the image from the URL

Link via a Text
ASP Image Frame

Link via an Image

Javascript Image Frame

Use Javascript on the Image page to Display the image from the URL. URL Parameters

Link via a Text
ImageFrameJS.htm (Picture 1)

ImageFrameJS.htm (Picture 2)

Link via an Image

Javascript Testing

Javascript Examples Page

ASP Controls

RadioButtonList, from MS radiobutton1

RadioButtonList, Simple radiobutton2


Vertical Alignment with Divs ****Lots of Examples*** test_VertAlign1.htm

"float:left" vs "display:inline-block" test_picturebox.htm

"float:left" vs "display:inline-block" Whitespace Test test_picturebox2.htm
No Noticable Difference

3 Column Div Layout test_div1.htm
Fail: Unequal Col Heights

Divs with "display: table" test_div3.htm
Fail: no Col Span or row span fail


Include Nav + Master Page test_master5.aspx

Include Nav Test test_include2.aspx

Include Test test_include1.aspx

Navigation Controls

Using a UL with CSS for a Naviation Control test_nav2.aspx

Treeview Naviation Control test_nav1.aspx
requires file "web.sitemap"
The sitemap file must be placed in the root directory of the web

Aspx Treeview Control inside of a Table test_layout_table2.aspx
requires file "web.sitemap"
The sitemap file must be placed in the root directory of the web
Fail: Inherited properties on the table element changes treeview control

Using Master Page "master1.master"
The master page uses "TimStyle1.css"

Basic Test test_master1.aspx

Javascript Button test_master2.aspx

CSS Testing test_master3.aspx

CSS Tables test_master4.aspx

Master Page Overide test_master6.aspx
uses master2.master

Master Page Overide , by link. (with master1) test_master7.aspx    (wtih master2) test_master7.aspx
uses master2.master

Testing Layouts
These Do NOT use the master page, or external Style Sheet

Layout with Tables test_layout_table1.aspx

Simple Div Layout2, with my layout test_div2.aspx
Fail: Unequal Col Heights

ASP Testing
response.write test test_asp1.aspx

Basic Page

Basic page with the Standard tags and no includes test_BasePage.htm