April 2021
I noticed that it's been almost 20 years since I read the first finance books and reviewed them on my website and I never did a comprehensive review of the books as a whole which makes it all a bit disjointed. Here is a page to fix that.
The Books
Introductory Books
Some Books to get you started. I would recommend "The Automatic Millionaire" and "I Will Teach You to Be Rich" as good first reads.
If you are the kind of person that wants motivation and inspiration in a positive and upbeat style without getting bogged down in the details I would recommend "The Automatic Millionaire" by David Bach.
If you like a drier whit, some tough love, and all the gritty details then I would highly recommend "I Will Teach You to be Rich" by Ramit Sethi.
Advanced Books
And now that you have the basics down you might be wondering if this "index" thing is really true or not. If you are looking for cases studies and in depth analysis, It would be hard to god wrong with either of these, but a "A Random Walk Down Wall Street" is simply the more complete and better organized book.