Over the course of 11 hands play sets and runs just like in Rummy. The catch is that for each hand you need a different number of cards to go out.
1/5 Bad
I really dislike this game. It feels like 100% luck. It's too long, too simple, and the you know who the winner will be far too much early in the game and it feels like you are just sitting around waiting to lose. Granted, this is for a 4 player game and I have no idea if this would be better or even worse with 2 people. I'm not a fan of the similar phase 10, but at least for that game it seems you have a better chance to catch up, and what you need changes every time giving it some variation. As another reviewer on Board Game Geek put it "This is the type of game that lends itself to being background noise."
I grew up playing this game, as well as games like Phase 10, Skip-Bo, Euchre and 500. While it does rely on luck, it isn't a bad way to pass the time, which is kind of the point of these social games. (500, however, does have some strategy and choices.) While you might be losing due to a few bad hands, that's just life - spend your time drinking and encouraging others if you feel you don't have a chance.