Tim's Game

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Tim's Game


Why yes, I did make my own boardgame

A Dungeon Crawl as a board game. Be the first hero to gain 100 glory by killing monsters and finishing quests.


4/5 Good

Pretty good as a 2 player game. With the most recent rule changes both of our games were decided by player choices. Do you upgrade your weapon one more time before you go back to the dungeon, or do you press ahead and hope to take the prize before the other person can upgrade and return?



My rating, knowing the backstory, is 5/5, but that's unfair to the rest of the games we play as I don't get to see the designer's thoughts and previous iterations. It is an enjoyable Dungeon Crawler that had unique effects in town during events. It's a balancing act between spending points to gain effectiveness and efficiency or continuing down the dungeon to beat the monsters. I appreciated the approach to gameplay, dice useage (so much fun dice rolling!), and choices between dungeons and town quests. Fun to play, and I look forward to playing it again. I'm also impressed at the art considering the homebrew limitations!

Expanded Thoughts

It's my game so of course I have lots and lots of thoughts. But for now I'll have to put this on pause to get a few more reviews complete.

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