Mt MiKinley Lodge
The first few pictures are actually taken on the bus ride from the Denali Lodge to the McKinley Lodge. Always difficult to take pictures out a bus window, but I want to show that on a clear day this is a wonderful drive.
When they say Mt McKinley is visible one day in four, the statement needs some explaining. You should interpret that as “It was clear for 5 days a week ago, and you might not see it again for 3 weeks straight”. All of the rest of the pictures are taken from the main viewing deck of the lodge. When we arrive at the lodge on a whim we went to the view deck before even checking out our room. I was glad we did as the very top of the mountain became visible and disappeared all in 15 min while we were there and absolutely nothing was visible the next 2 days. When they said the mountain might be covered in clouds I didn’t think they meant the entire mountain range would be hidden.
I found a picture taken from the same spot taken by someone else and used some photoshop magic to get an idea on what we might have seen if the weather was clear, lol.
1-4 The bus ride to the McKinley Lodge
5-6 The top of the Mountain peaks out from the clouds for 15 minutes
7 What we say the rest of the day
8 What you would see if it was clear, lol
9 What is hidden from view
10 What ‘they’ say you would see if it was clear
11 Us and the folks
12 What we saw the second day
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