
So you want all the details, or maybe you want to go yourself?
Here is what you may want to know.

Where and When:

Breckenridge, CO
The Village Hotel
3/10 – 3/13 (Sat-Tue, 3 nights)



Who wants to hear about a trip if it's to expensive to go yourself? I've always hated travel shows that show you an incredible location and never mention the price, or the price mentioned doesn't include taxes or fees which can be up to 25% in some areas. Or worst of all is when you check the price for yourself you find that prices are ridiculous and only for the super rich. Prices are with tax and Fees.

Flight (2 tickets, rd trip) $836
Hotel (3 Nights) $1,210
Lift Tickets (2 People, 2 Days) $748
Rental Skis (2 People, 2 Days) $268
Rental Car $130
Total $3,192

Prices are for 2 people with tax.


Another recommendation for “Fast Park” at the RDU airport. Good price, great service

Southwest Airline

Still non-stop, with the best times


The Village at Breckenridge

Still good, with a fantastic location

Rental Car


WTF! Make SURE you bring a copy of your rental car estimate and compare it to what the person at the counter tries to charge you. I gave them my confirmation number, and they quoted me a price that was 400% higher. I had to get the manager in order for them to simply honor their quoted price sent to me via an email!

Trip Notes

If your really interested in going, here is a link to my raw trip notes. These are the notes I take every day so I can remember things like “who has the best drink price in town” and others.

Trip Notes