Colonial Williamsburg and Busch Gardens 5-1-2004
A Trip with some friends for some site seeing and thrill rides. So we are sitting around one
night and the topic of vacations comes up and we find out that Terry hasn't ridden a roller coaster
in years. Needing no further reason we all decided a trip to an Amusement Park is in order, and what
better park than Busch Gardens. Add in a day at Colonial Williamsburg and we have a great trip.
Of course little does anyone know but Tim LOVES roller coasters, has way to much energy, and Busch
Gardens sells a killer cup of coffee. Tim tells Terry that this coaster called the Big Bad Wolf
is really rather tame and we find out that one persons tame is another persons "I'm going to kill you".
By 8pm, Louise is still going but starting to lag. Terry and Heather want to kill Tim
(Did I mention the killer cup of coffee?). Tim tells everyone this is way cool, and we can ride
a lot more coasters until closing, and, and, and (Did I mention that cup of coffee yet?).
Terry, Heather, and Louise manage not kill Tim and we all go home. The End.
The Best
Colonial Williamsburg
I bought a new mono-pod for the trip (single leg tripod) to help take pictures in low light
condition without a flash. It also helps for stitching panoramas. Works pretty well even if
your wife and friends do make fun of you for carting all this junk around. But he who make
the web page has the last laugh.
Update: I found out to my great annoyance that for some unknown reason I never saved the full
sized pano images, and to add insult I though I would save space by not saving the digital negatives.
I guess it's hard to remember when hard drive space was at a premium. I combine the 3 panos into
one picture and at least it works as a set.
1. A Wide Angle of a shop, and IR of the Gardens, and a pano of the maze
2-4. Without the monopod there would be no way to get this pictures without a flash
5. Notice the smiles and energy? Yea, that would be the start of the trip alright
6. If it looks like a lot of work, it's because it is.
7. Either still early in the trip, or after we found that place with the great beer
8-9. Some more pictures with the IR lens
10. Terry wonders if this guy will ever shut up.
11. You break a leg back then, and they shoot you. Really.
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Busch Gardens
So, what started this trip in the first place was that offhand comment from Terry where he mentioned
he had not been a roller coaster in a very long time. So what better way to start, than with a
ride on the Loch Ness Monster? Terry was not as thrilled as the rest of us.
12. The coaster
13. How Terry saw the Coaster
14. After the coaster. I think Heather was having more fun.
After lunch, round 2, the Big Bad Wolf.
15. The Big Bad Wolf
16. Terry after the Big Bad Wolf was not amused, and decides not to trust Tims judgement the rest of the day.
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17. Maybe The Alpengeist?
18. Maybe not.
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Bush Gardens also has a bird sanctuary and a Bald Eagle Rescue Area. Very well done.
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And they have some very nice shopping when your tired of the rides, including this incredible
crystal eagle. Unfortunately the price was also incredible.
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And I did manage to sneak my camera on the front seat of the Loch Ness Monster.
Apollo's Chariot. Unfortunately not my picture. This ride is incredible, must do again.
Some Notes from "The" roller coaster database website
Big Bad Wolf ---> 80' Drop
Loch Ness ---> 114' Drop
Apollos Chariot ---> 210' Drop
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So After all of this what is next? Go
(as soon as we can find someone to go with!)