Vegas Trip 10-10-2003
Louise and I went to Vegas for 5 days in November with my Mom and Dad. Had a great time and would highly recommend the trip for anyone who hasn't been.There is definitely something for everyone even if you don't gamble (but it's
more fun if you do!).
Probably not the place to go if you have kid's (under 18) as the law doesn't allow kids on the gambling floors. We saw a couple of shows and would recommend the "Rick Thomas" magic show to anyone, and while we loved the "Blue Man" group, I don't think it's for everyone. (And no, Mom and Dad decided to stay away from that particular show).
I would highly recommend talking to someone that's been there before if you plan to go because there is far more to see than you can see in one trip. Also, the variations in freebies and extras is huge. The Tropicana had the best comps we found hands down.
Anyway, here are some pics and comments, Enjoy!
| We stayed at the southern end of the strip in the Tropicana Hotel the first 2 nights and the Luxor the second 2 nights. It worked out quite well and the walking distance wasn't more than 5-8 minuets. As you can see from the map, most everything is within walking distance, with the north end of the strip being about 4.5 miles, but it's still far enough that it's more fun to just choose a small section to really walk around and explore.
One of the largest hotels in the world. Rooms, show, gambling, and a live lion exhibit.
The Vegas Strip
4-5. Same location in Day and Night.
6. A night Pano. More difficult that I first thought as the colors change while your trying to take the pano.
7. The Ceiling of the Venetian. No wonder the hotel cost 1.4 billion
10. The New York, New York. Killer roller coaster ride at night
Caesars Palace
14-15. The palace shops inside of Caesar's Palace. The sky painting on the ceiling is exceptional.
Freemont Street
Fremont Street. A 'must' see. The ceiling is a grid of lights 90 foot high, and four blocks long
with over 2 million individual lights. Once every hour after dark all of the hotels turn off
there lights and the show goes on for about 10 minutes, then it's back to the gambling.
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21-22. Nothing like a little photoshop magic to bring the family togeather
23. I have no idea what it is, but it's pretty cool.
The Luxor
The Luxor from the tram. We stayed in the Luxor the second two nights we were there. They have a convenient free tram between the Excalibur the Luxor and Mandalay bay making for a rather easy trip. As a side note: Vegas gets about 4 inches of rain a year. We happened to be there for 2 inches of that. We had been wondering about all of these outdoor escalators, and how they could have them running in the rain. We found out,,, they don't. As a second side note, the Luxor leaks. Maybe only 500 million doesn't buy what you would think? Still a very nice place and we didnt have any major complaints.
The Flight Out
28. The Strip
29. Grand Canyon, seen it. That was easy.
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